Susan Lomas has written a book about Kevin Ayers. It is not a biography, but the story of a sequence of events leading up to the Kevin Ayers memorial event that took place in Deia, Mallorca on the 16th August 2013. It also serves as a ‘Beginners Guide to Kevin Ayers’ too. The book is now available as a paperback on Amazon (see Kevin Ayers: August 16th 2013 Deià) and from time to time will be available as a free Kindle download.
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Keep me posted about free downloads please….
Of course Jon, please check your email.
Please send me a copy of that book. Ayers is such an inspiration.
Thank you very much for keeping him alive
We decided not to make the Kindle version, but you can buy the paperback in Spain here: Kevin Ayers: August 16th 2013 Deià